Saturday, May 30, 2009

SJK (T) Rajaji, Air Itam

While participate in the debate at the Penang State Assembly in year 2008, I crossed sword with ADUN Sungai Dua on the financial allocation for Chinese and Tamil schools. I have invited YB Jasmin to visit SJK(T) Rajaji and SJK(T) Azad to understand how pathetic the conditions of these schools as compare to the national schools.

The State Government has allocated RM30K to SJK(T) Rajaji in March 2009. I am delighted to note that the Federal JKR will allocate RM150K in June 2009 to make a facelift to the roof and also the main structure.

The school authority came to see me and I have arranged the students to be relocated to Rifle Range Community Hall for two months while the renovation takes part.

As ADUN Air Itam, this is my little contribution to the development of mother tongue education in the community.

As reported in Nanyang.

2009-05-25 11:12









他指出,在其選區內位於Jalan Satu附近的拉查基淡小(Rajaji),木板校舍簡陋、破損,早前在州政府制度化撥款政策下,獲得州政府撥款3萬令吉,以提昇他們的設施。



今天黄汉伟除了前往上述学校进行审核工作之外, 最重要的是他前往RAJAJI淡小了解情况. Rajaji淡小在去年经由黄汉伟在槟州州议员辩论州政府2009年财政预算案中宣称极需要帮助的一所淡小之后, 它就得到的州政府的关注, 并在今年3月得到州政府拨款三万. 在今年5月初学校收到工程部来信说将会拨款15万令吉给予该校进行维修工程, 而该校维修工程也将在6月开始进行.

Rajaji淡小一共拥有110名学生就读, 从6月12日期, Rajaji淡小在黄汉伟的安排下将暂时迁往打枪埔组屋民众礼堂长达3个月, 以便进行维修工作. 而槟岛市政局将协助该校搬迁工作.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Inspection to schools in Air Itam

I visited three schools in Air Itam today namely Chiao Nan, Chung Hwa (A) and Chung Hwa (B).


(槟城讯) 槟州政府华教事务协调委员会委员 兼 亚 依 淡 州 议 员黄汉伟行政议员 29日上午再度出发前往亚依淡中华A校, 中华B小, Rajaji淡小及侨南华小巡视并进行审核工作.

为了使每间学校得到公平的拨款, 州议员或市议员及华教事务协调员到各区提出要求拨款的学校进行考察, 以深入了解各校的情况及根据需求原则进行审核工作.

今早连同出席的尚有: 华教事务协调委员会委员黎馥纲, 黄汉伟特别助理郑重光及服务队成员刘贵有, 出席的董家教成员计有中华A&B校董事总务林综松, 副总务刘华山, A校家协主席陈荣瑞, B校家协主席李斯杰, 侨南董事长江赐强, 董事会顾问黄辉岩, 董事刘炳昌, 家协主席王碧宣, 副主席黄兴民及各校校长.

今天黄汉伟除了前往上述学校进行审核工作之外, 最重要的是他前往RAJAJI淡小了解情况. Rajaji淡小在去年经由黄汉伟在槟州州议员辩论州政府2009年财政预算案中宣称极需要帮助的一所淡小之后, 它就得到的州政府的关注, 并在今年3月得到州政府拨款三万. 在今年5月初学校收到工程部来信说将会拨款15万令吉给予该校进行维修工程, 而该校维修工程也将在6月开始进行.

Rajaji淡小一共拥有110名学生就读, 从6月12日期, Rajaji淡小在黄汉伟的安排下将暂时迁往打枪埔组屋民众礼堂长达3个月, 以便进行维修工作. 而槟岛市政局将协助该校搬迁工作.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Site Visit - Chinese Primary Schools In Air Itam

As part of the effort to understand the requirement of the Chinese Primary schools in Air Itam, I spend the morning visiting two schools in Air Itam namely Kong Min Main School and Kong Min Cawangan Satu. I met up with the school management, reps from Parents and Teachers Association and Board of Directors.


(槟城讯) 槟州政府华教事务协调委员会委员 兼 亚 依 淡 州 议 员黄汉伟行政议员今日上午前往亚依淡公民总校及公民一校巡视并进行审核工作.

他指出, 在2009年槟州政府预算案中, 一共拨出850万令吉予全槟学校提呈申请, 在亚依淡选区内一共有5所华校申请拨款, 除了今天巡视的公民总校及公民一校以外, 还包括中华A校, 中华B校和侨南小学.

州政府为了方便及更加快速的审核所有学校的申请, 当局依据州内5个县来安排各自的负责人, 而黄汉伟是负责东北县. 东北县是全槟最多学校座落的地方, 一共有33有华校提出申请, 而他受委为东北县联络人. 民联议员将前往33所学校进行视察, 与董家教交流及了解学校所面对的问题, 以便能更深入的了解各学校的需要.

今天是他第一站, 明天黄汉伟将继续前往巡视亚依淡另3间学校, 预计会在这星期内完成亚依淡区内华校的审核工作. 今早连同出席的尚有: 华教事务协调委员会委员李馥纲, 槟岛市议员林秀琴, 黄汉伟特别助理郑重光及服务队成员刘贵有, 出席的董家教成员计有公民一校家协主席郭狄历, 公民总校董事长周进钦, 总务李琴侠, 财政余涌华, 家协主席黄国泉及两校校长.

黄汉伟亦发表文告批评副首相兼教育部部长丹斯里慕尤丁日前会见七华团代表宣布不承认统考文凭, 不拨款资助独中的政策是与华社脱节的政策思维. 黄汉伟亦要求马华, 民政, 人联党内阁部长必须对此国阵新政策施压.

黄汉伟指出既然槟州政府能常年拨款100万令吉予州内五间独中, 国阵中央政府为何不能拨款资助国内独中?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pelancaran Program Pendaftaran Warga Emas di Kampung Melayu, Air Itam

Pusat Khidmat ADUN Air Itam bersama JKKK Kampung Melayu telah melancarkan program pendaftaran warga emas di Kawasan Kampung Melayu. Program ini telah mendapat sambutan hangat di mana 300 penduduk telah didaftarkan dalam masa 4 jam.

Kunjungan Hormat ke Lembaga Rayuan

Hands on: Registrar of the state Appeals Board Ku Lafdzi briefing state executve councillors, municipal councillors and Abd Rahim Uda (seated front right) on the cases to be heard.

Satu rombongan yang diketuai oleh YB Wong Hon Wai bersama Ahli-ahli Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang telah mengadakan kunjungan hormat kepada Pengerui Lembaga Rayuan yang baru, Dato Rahim bin Uda di Dewan Persidangan MPPP pada 26-5-2009.

Lembaga Rayuan merupakan sebuah badan berkecuali yang ditubuhkan di bawah Bahagian VI, Seksyen 36 Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 bertujuan untuk mendengar rayuan daripada pihak awam yang terkilan dan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (MPPP dan MPSP) yang bersabitan keputusan permohonan merancang.

Selain kunjungan hormat tersebut, Ahli-ahli Majlis MPPP juga menghadiri dan mendengar dengan sendiri prosiding Lembaga Rayuan.

Tujuan lawatan ini diadakan ialah memberi pendedahan kepada Ahli-Ahli Majlis MPPP yang terlibat dalam penyediaan garispanduan perancangan serta membuat keputusan dalam mesyuarat One Stop Center (OSC) supaya garispanduan ataupun keputusan yang dibuat hendaklah memberi pertimbangan kepada aspek-aspek undang-undang dan kepentingan awam.

Keputusan-keputusan OSC bagi MPPP dan MPSP bakal dicabar di peringkat Lembaga Rayuan oleh pemohon terkilan yang terdiri daripada samada pemilik tanah, jiran bersebelahan atau pemaju. Ahli-ahli Majlis diingatkan keputusan mereka akan disemak (scrutinized) oleh Lembaga Rayuan dan sekiranya asas undang-undang atau garispanduan yang tidak kuat, maka keputusan mereka bakal ditolak dan perbetulkan oleh Lembaga Rayuan.

Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang akan sentiada memberi komitmen ke atas pelaksanaan Lembaga Rayuan di Negeri ini sebagai satu mekanisme check and balance dan saluran kepada orang ramai yang terkilan dengan keputusan perancangan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.

As reported in The Star

SOME 10 Penang Municipal councillors, led by state executive councillor Wong Hon Wai, paid a courtesy call to Penang High Court judge Datuk Abd Rahim Uda who headed the state Appeals Board at the City Hall on May 26.

The group later attended proceedings of the board for the first time to gain an insight on how proceedings pertaining to housing planning issues are to be commenced.

“Hopefully with this kind of exposure, councillors while making decision at the council level, would be on their toes all the time knowing that the Appeals Board would scrutinise their decision making process,” he said.

Four cases were called up before the board yesterday.

Besides Abd Rahim, two other panel members sitting through the proceedings were Datuk Dr Sharom Ahmad and Rumi J. Manecksha.

Two of the cases were mentioned while another two were heard during the fourth sitting of the board since their appointments came into effect on April 1.

Wong, who is also the State Town and Country Planning and Housing Committee chairman, said there were still some 80 cases accumulated over a three-year period from 2007.

The board is an independent body set up under Section 36 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976.

As reported in Kwong Wah Yit Poh.

黄汉伟联袂槟市议员 旁听上诉局审核案件
二零零九年五月二十七日 凌晨十二时九分








Sunday, May 24, 2009

Press Release on activities of DAP Air Itam

DAP Air Itam akan menganjurkan majlis makan malam pada 13-6-2009 (Sabtu) bertempat di Restoren Yi Tong, Jalan Zoo, Air Itam. Orang ramai boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Air Itam (04-8280926) untuk maklumat lanjut.

JKKK Thean Teik bersama Pusat Khidmat ADUN Air Itam (YB Wong Hon Wai) juga menganjurkan sesi rawatan perubatan tradisional cina secara percuma di premis JKKK Thean Teik. Sesi tersebut ialah pukul 10 pagi hingga 12 tengahari setiap hari Ahad.

行动党亚依淡支部将与6月13日(星期六)在怡东中泰海鲜餐馆举办槟城亚依淡民主之夜, 其主要目的是民联领袖与亚依淡居民近距离交流, 推崇民主. 上述民主之夜票价分为2种: RM 30 和RM 100. 黄汉伟表示, 卖票所得款项, 扣除开销, 其余的将分2份, 一份是供支部日常开销, 另一份将捐予槟州总部作为购买总部基金. 所有有兴趣购买餐券者可联络黄汉伟服务中心(04-8280926), 或者是洪世德(012-4825009)及陈运柱(016-4551168).

黄 汉 伟 蝉 联 主 席 一 职

民 主 行 动 党 亚 依 淡 支 部 已 于2009 年5 月7 日( 星 期 四) 在 亚 依 淡 服 务 中 心 进 行2009-2010 支 部 改 选 会 议. 以 下 是 当 晚 改 选 成 绩:

序 职 位 姓 名
1 主 席 黄 汉 伟
2 副 主 席 李 荣 有
3 秘 书 洪 世 德
4 副 秘 书 郭 义 春
5 财 政 陈 运 柱
6 宣 传 秘 书 贤 美 仪
7 妇 女 事 务 秘 书 谢 金 芬
8 委 员 古 玛
9 佳 迪 星

当 晚 除 了 改 选 之 外, 大 会 也 在 会 议 上 提 呈 提 案, 要 求 霹 雳 州 苏 丹 解 散 霹 雳 州 议 会, 以 解 决 目 前 的 混 乱 情 况 并 还 政 予 民.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A black mark in the history of Perak State Legislative Assembly

DAP Air Itam members show their support and solidarity with the Perak Pakatan Rakyat comrades. We are outraged on the manner the Perak Speaker dragged out of the State Assembly.

As reported in Sinchew Jit Poh

2009-05-09 13:49










他說,另一項活動是由此服務中心主催,由天德園鄉委會及慈愛福利公德會聯辦的“慈愛贈醫施藥義診”活動,從5月17日開始,每週日(5月10日)上午10時至中午12時,在天德園鄉委會辦公室(Desa Mawar第5組屋旁)舉行。



地點 日期 時間
黃漢偉阿依淡區服務中心 每逢週一至週五(5月8日)9am-5pm 每逢週二 8pm-10pm
天德園鄉委會辦公室 17-5 10am-12pm
甘榜馬來由鄉委 24-5 9am-5pm

Donation to the poor and underprivileged

As reported in Kwong Wah.

五月天孝义满满 紫云阁施赠千名孤老
二零零九年五月十日 晚上七时










Monday, May 04, 2009

Gotong Royong at Kampung Melayu

Satu Gotong Royong telah dijalankan di Kampung Melayu, Air Itam pada 2-5-2009. Lebih kurang 50 penduduk dan NGO telah menyertai program gotong royong ini. Antara program yang dijalankan ialah mengecat lobi lif di Blok B, kampung Melayu, Air Itam, Pulau Pinang.

Friday, May 01, 2009

3 measures improving traffic flow in Air Itam

There are 3 measurements to improve the traffic flow in Air Itam main road.

(1) Traffic light in front of Kampung Bharu Markethas been turned off during the morning rush hours (6am to 9am).

(2) 4 traffic lights in Air Itam namely Reservoir Garden, Kampung Melayu, Thean Teik and Kampung Bharu have been synchronised.

(3) The U-turn in front of Air Itam market has been blocked to facilitate direct traffic flow.

Together with MPPP Engineering Department and the Police, we have observed it for three months and I called a Press Conference to announce the outcome of the exercise.

The long queue of traffics in Thean Teik, Kampung Melayu during morning rush hours has been reduced tremendously and traffic flows from Air Itam towards town has seen significant improvement. Many road users including some reporters who use the road daily have confirmed that there are improvement in traffic flow.

As reported in The Star.

Air Itam Road turn off blocked for good

AFTER a smooth three-month trial run, the Penang Municipal Council has decided to stick to the closure of the turning from Jalan Air Itam to Lorong Batu Lancang at Kampung Baru.

State Town and Country Planning and Housing Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, who is Air Itam assemblyman, said steel bollards would be put up at the traffic island within two weeks to replace the temporary plastic barriers to prevent vehicles from making that turn.

“The turning has been closed since Jan 30, during the Chinese New Year season when there was heavy traffic congestion heading towards Air Itam.

“It was meant to be an interim measure but the move actually improved the traffic situation and there was positive feedback all around,” he said after inspecting the site yesterday.

Wong said vehicles from Air Itam could still make a U-turn about 120m down the road, in front of the Mobil petrol station, and the council would continue to monitor the situation.

“The council, in its survey, found that the existing U-turn can facilitate the traffic flow during peak hours where about 500 to 700 vehicles make that turning per hour, or eight to 12 vehicles per minute,” he said.

As reported in Kwong Wah Yit Poh.

黄汉伟:亚依淡及甘榜峇鲁 转弯处永久关闭
二零零九年四月二十九日 凌晨十二时十七分












